Yippee Motorkerékpár túrák Romániában 2012.


Vezetett motoros túrák a Șureanu-masszívum legszebb helyeire.

© yippee.ro
A Yippee.ro a Smart Volt bejegyzett márkaneve. Az alábbi adatok a 2012-es szezonra vonatkoznak. Verziószám. 1.2

A Yippee.ro arra vágyik, hogy megoszthassa a kiváltságot és örömöt, amit az egyedülállóan szép tájakon valkó motorozás jelent. Ezek a helyek közel vannak a modern civilizációhoz, de valahogy megmenekültek napjaink nyüzsgésétől.

Szeretnénk megőrizni őket olyanoknak, mint amilyenek a gyermekkorunkban voltak, ezért a legegyszerűbb, mégis élménydús utazási módot választjuk: a motorkerékpárt. A motor nem vág mély árkokat a mezőkbe, sokkal könnyebben megmássza az emelkedőket, mint bármely 4×4-es, miközben nagy távolságokat tesz meg minimálisan befolyásolva a környezetet.

A sok év alatt megtanultuk megbecsülni a csendet és ezt megtaláltuk azokon a kanyargós keskeny ösvényeken, amelyeken napokig motorozhatsz anélkül, hogy egy lélekkel is találkoznál. Megtanultuk, hogy az egyes helyek között hol van az átjárás, és hogyan élvezheted a nagyszerű kilátást látszólag megközelíthetetlen csúcsokról. Azt is kitapasztaltuk, hogy melyik napszak hozza ki a legtöbbet ezekből a helyekbol, így tudjuk mikor kell oda elindulnunk.

Aztán rájöttünk arra is, hogyan tudjuk mindezt a gyönyörűséget diszkréten megosztani más kétkerekű rajongókkal. Isten hozott itthon, barátaim!

A Yippee túraajánlatainak letöltése

A Yippee 2012. évi terepmotoros túraajánlatai Romániában (v 1.2) 2012. március

Kik vagyunk?

Valentin Ladar, apa és motoros, aki úgy ismeri a Șureanu-hegységet, mint a tenyerét. már nem is emlékszik rá hány év motorozás után. Anyanyelvi szinten beszél németül és románul. Ő a tökéletes vezetője azoknak, akik szeretik egyenként megcsodálni a látnivalókat, függetlenül attól, hogy oda erdészeti utak vezetnek, vagy ismeretlen ösvények.

Theodor Ladar a fiú, akinek első szavai így hangzottak “broom-bam-bam-bam” sokkal azelőtt, hogy bármit hallott volna a négyütemű motorokról. A többi már történelem. Folyékonyan beszél angolul, németül és románul. Ő a vezetoje azoknak, akik nem riadnak vissza a túl nehéz, vagy leküzdhetetlen utaktól. Érdekesen keveredik benne a szenvedélyes műszaki érdeklődés és a csendes nyugalom, ne kérdezd meg tőle hogy működnek a dolgok, mert sohasem hagyja abba a magyarázást. Ez minden. Egy kicsit olyan, mint James May, gondolkozz el rajta.


Web site: yippee.ro
Túra foglalásokra használd ezt a címet: bookings@yippee.ro
Minden egyéb témára ide várjuk leveleidet: contact@yippee.ro

Skype nevünk: yippee_Romania

A Yippee kereskedelmi feltételei angolul

All information presented herein is an illustration indicative of what conditions are to be met on each trail. The distance (length) expressed in kilometers and hundred meters is the minimum to be covered on dry weather for the respective route, assuming there are no deviations, backtracking or extending loops. Actual driven distance may be greater and it is the participant’s responsibility to ensure they have enough fuel upon departure to cover the full distance + an additional 1 liter for unforeseen cases. Should the fuel tank not hold enough gas for the day, the participant must notify the organizer so that the latter will ensure sufficient reserve of fuel and mixture oil accordingly. The stated price always includes all necessary fuel and mixture oil for two stroke engines, which will be supplied by the organizer before setting off on each route.

Indicated slopes are the steepest that will be met on the trail, should the described route be followed exactly. All photos were taken on the respective trails and pictured on the corresponding page. All photos belong to Theodor Ladar and may be freely distributed and duplicated anywhere in the world, as long as their source is mentioned explicitly. The picture of a tire next to each trail describes the minimum thread pattern necessary (mixed, enduro, cross) for safe riding across the respective trail. It is self understood that a cross pattern in good shape will ensure safe passage on any trail, regardless of difficulty.

The elevation profile of each route is obtained freely using Google Earth and is the expression of currently available information within this application upon creation on this catalogue. It is there for general orientation solely and is to be read as follows: where the departure and return routes are the same, the profile is displayed for half the trip. It is self understood that upon return the same elevation profile is covered, only in reverse. Where the return path is different, the elevation profile is displayed for the full distance. You can easily tell if the return and departure routes are the same if there is an altitude gap between beginning and end in the elevation profile. Maximum and minimum altitudes are expressed in meters.

Participation in any program detailed herein is subject to each participant owning a valid motorcycle driver’s license for the full duration of the program. In addition, high difficulty trails marked herein by a sign can be undertaken only by riders with a driver’s license valid obtained at least one year prior to program start date or alternatively who are able to demonstrate good command of their motorcycle (practical testing before departure).

Safety gear is the sole responsibility of each participant. Organizers do not provide any safety gear/equipment. The minimal safety gear, lack of which renders participation impossible, includes a helmet, hand gloves, purpose-built motorcycling boots and off-road knee protection. Elbow protections as well as body armors are recommended.

Participants are responsible for the technical condition of their own motorcycles used during the program. Bikes with obvious safety shortcomings (including but not limited to leaking braking circuits, air/dirt infiltrations within braking circuits, brake pads or discs worn out beyond safety margin, deformed brake disks, worn out, cut or leaking tires, loose spokes, leaking or improper working suspension, dysfunctional engines) will not be accepted. Organizers are under no circumstance liable for defects or prejudices to participant equipment, except when they come as a result of improper equipment usage by the organizers themselves.
Riders understand that participation in such programs is made on their own risk. While organizers do their best identifying and selecting accessible routes according to each participant’s experience and skill, riding over such terrain involves inherent risks. Organizers promote a defensive riding style, meant to provide safe riding pleasure through unknown locations; however, they cannot be made responsible for each participant’s individual riding style, negligence, lack of technical or physical preparation or for the consequences thereof.
Organizers insist on covering each trail with minimal environmental impact. This implies power-starts, power slides and any other actions that result in damage to the superficial vegetation layer are to be avoided, save for cases where such maneuvers are deemed necessary for rider safety. Riding at excessive speed, pointless revving, noise or any other such actions that may disturb locals or wildlife are also to be avoided. Riders are responsible for their own actions. Should they systematically disregard organizer instructions, a partial or full cancellation of the program with no claim to refund may be applied.

Where participants have opted for a specific trail, the organizer is bound to follow it with the utmost accuracy, so that all objectives, landmarks as well as mileage described herein or during the prior information session will be covered in full. Exceptions from the above may be caused by natural or unforeseen events (heavy rain, landslides, rockslides), human impact on the environment (massive deforestation blocking the initial route) or lack of experience on behalf of one or more participants that is requiring greater caution and switching to an easier route. In all the above cases, organizers reserve the right to choose alternatives to circumnavigate such barriers and follow closely the initial course. It is the organizer’s responsibility to group participants in difficulty clusters by means of practical testing, except where riders of different skill have a personal preference towards the same group. In this last case, the trail version that poses the least trouble to all riders will be chosen. Organizers reserve the right to suggest an easier alternative when finding that the experience, skill or endurance of a particular rider do not match the initial route, with no refund or monetary compensation implied. Should the participant refuse all alternatives suggested by the organizer and still not be able to prove sufficient aptitude for the higher difficulty trail initially chosen, his/her participation on this particular trail may be cancelled with no right for a refund (participation is still valid for other less challenging trails, should he/she have opted for such beforehand).

A signed participation agreement must be sent to the organizer before the program start, otherwise participation is cancelled ex officio. Should it be cancelled after payment has been made, the participant is entitled to a refund according to how soon the notification is sent before the program start, as follows:
– up to 15 days before program start: 100% of full amount
– between 8 and 15 days before program start: 70% of full amount
– between 4 and 8 days before program start: 50% of full amount
– less than 4 days before program start: 0% of full amount

Exception to the above are cases of force majeure that prevent the participant from arriving at destination or safe riding on intended trails, as well as certified illness or death within the family. All such cases will be 100% refunded regardless of notification timeframe, as long as notification occurs before the intended program start date.

Organizers are not responsible for weather conditions at destination or on intended trails. Participants understand they cannot opt for a refund due to adverse weather and are also aware they must supply their own protection equipment to shield them from heavy rain, excessive heat or other weather events that should cause them discomfort. In adverse weather for motorcycle riding (e.g. severe thunderstorm), organizers will try to suggest alternatives such as car rides to various tourist attractions in the area, obviously only with the participant’s consent. If not, we don’t necessarily mind riding in the rain!

Upon arrival, participants will go each day through a briefing before setting off, including a description of expected riding conditions together with the recommendations and safety checks partially described above. Also, each participant will acknowledge and sign a more comprehensive version of these terms and conditions with the intention of keeping the environmental impact to a minimum, together with the most rewarding experience for each customer.

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